The Carnival Committee’s Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 19th September at the Library.
Local organisations were invited to apply for funding from the committee and, before the main meeting got underway, they were delighted to present the donations to those who were able to attend.
Appropriately, the first to receive a donation was the library itself, represented on the night by Elaine Ashforth, who had requested £300 for a new website.
Next up was Water Orton Youth Club who were in desperate need of a new gazebo for their outdoor events which was presented to organiser, Olive Giles.
Paul Messenger from the Tennis Club then received a cheque for £150 to help with coaching.
Local scout James then picked up a cheque for £100 to go towards the mammoth amount of money he has to raise to allow him to attend The World Scout Jamboree in Japan in the summer of 2105.
Olive then stepped up again to receive a cheque for £140 for George Road Community Centre to pay for 2 new trestle tables to match their existing ones. The main picture shows members from the Scout Group who received a donation of £100 along with the Brownies. Other donations included a new tea urn for the Methodist Church, a set of percussion instruments for Friends of Orton Manor and a new Bingo machine for Ken Paton which will be used for various charity events throughout the village.
Carnival Update
At the meeting it was good to hear that the finances are in good shape ready for next year, thanks to a successful Carnival this year, the Golf Day & Ball and the generosity of the villagers at events such as the Santa Sleigh Run.
Sadly, it wasn’t all good news though, as Andrew Dorgan announced he was stepping down as chairman due to work commitments, and Clair Galligan also was unable to continue as secretary for this year. They will both still play an active part in the Carnival events throughout the year, but the committee would like to express their thanks for all that they have done over the last few years.
So, as mentioned previously in, if you would like to help out by joining the Committee, there’s never been a better time to do so!