In keeping with the 50th celebrations, the theme for this year’s Carnival floats is ‘A golden moment in time’. This can be anything at all from the last 50 years.
You don’t have to be a member of a group or organisation to take part – you could just be a bunch or friends, or perhaps all live on particular street? It would be great to see some of the village’s streets competing with each other to really make this year special.
There’s no need to worry about supplying the lorry – The Carnival Committee will provide it for you along with everything you need to know.
Just take a look at these happy smiles and fabulous floats and outfits from 2017 when the theme was ‘The Sea’.
Why not get involved this year to showcase your creative flair along the procession route through Water Orton on Saturday 17th June? There’s even a money prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd judged floats.
If you are interested then please e-mail this address or contact Mandi Collins on 07803 789706.