IMG_2089IMG_2094IMG_2087IMG_2475IMG_2476IMG_2106Thanks to everyone who showed their support for what we like to call Santa Sunday on 20th December which raised a fantastic £1,371. This money goes towards putting on the annual carnival and other good causes in the village. It will also help with the upcoming Golden Carnival in 2017 to celebrate 50 continuous years of the Carnival – more details of this to follow!

The day started earlier than previous years with two Santa Breakfast sittings at the cricket club (Santa likes to maintain his shape), which seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by all of the many children who took part. This raised just over £200 out of the amount above. Needless to say we will be doing this again in 2016, so make sure you book up early to avoid disappointment.

Next was the annual Sleigh Run. This year we decided to give Santa’s sleigh a bit of a makeover with new decals and lighting. We were also joined by Steve Holmes who was selling I Love Water Orton calendars and donated £2 per calendar to the Carnival, raising £70 for us.

We would like to thank everyone who helped to make the day such a success and of course everyone who showed their support by attending Santa Breakfast or making a donation on the Sleigh Run.

We also have a few others to thank:

  • Cadbury’s for donating the chocolate buttons for the Sleigh Run.
  • The Cricket Club and Peter Coles for providing the fantastically decorated venue for free.
  • All of Santa’s helpers who joined us on the Sleigh Run.

It was great to see the village out in force and we look forward to another great day in 2016!